A friend asked if I could come over to teach him how to make knives with his propane forge. I’ve never used a propane forge and told him that. When trying to decide what would be easiest to make, I came across Joe Keeslar’s Brute de Forge knives. I saw how the simplicity of the design lends itself to individual artistic license. So we decided to do the Brute de Forge. With this one, I thought I would try the clay hardening to see if I could get a hamon. And Viola! It worked. Needless to say, my friend and I had a blast making this.
I thought I’d keep this for my own EDC (Ever Day Carry), but someone offered me money and I let him take it off my hands.
It’s made out of a file of unknown brand. The handle is mahogany that is scrap from a machine shop. The pins are mosaic and the throng hole is stainless steel tubing.