Had a glorious day working with these two young men on their chosen knives. They even took a fancy picture with their fancy phone for me.
Category: Knife Experience Participant Knives
First Knife Experience Attendee – Beautiful Clip-Point Knife
A lovely lady in my area called me up, asking for an experience for her husband in knife-making. I wasn’t quite set up for my experiences, but this young man came over and dealt with my messy shop and we forged out a knife together. He described to me what he wanted, and I made one along with him, step-by-step.
He chose to make a clip-point knife with an Osage orange handle and mosaic pins.
Here are his words about the experience:
“I had the opportunity to have Ross walk me through forging a knife. I’ve always wanted to give forging a try. I recently started watching Forged in Fire and it made me want to make something even more, so my wonderful wife reached out to Jagears Knives and Smithy for a Christmas present. Contacted Ross and he helped me decide on what kind of knife to make. Went to his workshop, fired up the forge, and he walked me through the process allowing me to do most of the work and corrected when necessary. Ross is super knowledgeable, was able to answer all questions in detail ,and explain in terms easy to understand. I really enjoyed learning to make this knife and would recommend this to anyone that has ever wanted to forge a knife. I hope to one day have my own forge and I know if I have any questions I can ask for his advice and he would be more than willing to help me. Really was a pleasure and I’m happy with my knife. Thank you very much for your patience and kindness it was a great learning experience!“